Our Projects
Inter Gas Service participates and provides quality control and NDT services to such large-scale projects, as South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion Project (SCPX) and Western Export Route Pipeline Sectional Replacement Project (WERP SRP).
NDT inspection
We undertake the following for the solution of goals set: Inspection of vessels working under pressure, Stationary volumes, oil, petrol etc. Inspection of wagons carrying hazardous liquid…
Radiographic Testing (RT)
Radiographic testing Is a reliable and highly effective tool foridentifing possible defects. The opening of the places that not welded or without cracks, do not coincide with the direction of the light-up…
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Ultrasonic thickness is high-accuracy, mobile and highly effective method of research excluding traditional defects.
Ultrasonic testing Is a safe and highly effective tool for determining possible defects…
Visual Dimensional Testing (VT)
Optical type is one of the non-destructive testing methods. It’s based on the initial data acquisition about the tested item during visual observation or by means of optical (VDC) device and measurement equipment…
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
Is considered for the determination of all thin surface and subsurface discrepancies in metal – defect spread among the goods. Such defects may be cracks, scratches, hernias, flockens and places that not welded…
Penetrant Testing (PT)
Capillary defectoscopy is one of the main methods of non-destructive testing that intended for the detection of comprehensive and surface defects in control facilities, determination of surface of the length, place. (cracks, as places are not welding for extended defects)…